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Florida Car Accidents: Injuries and Auto Accident Personal Injury Attorney Near You

by | Dec 23, 2024 | Auto Accident Attorney

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Car accidents happen far too frequently across Florida, often causing serious injuries for all those involved. Consulting a Florida auto accident personal injury attorney near you about legal options if someone you know was recently involved can be invaluable support. Even those suffering serious injuries may have recourse available if hospitalization becomes necessary due to their condition.

Most Frequent Car Accident Injuries

Accidents occurring in this state typically result from negligence. This includes distracted driving, speeding, and moving violations. But accidents may also be intentional or caused by illegal acts like driving while under the influence. No matter the cause, victims can suffer serious injuries in these incidents.

Motor vehicle accidents typically result in death when they involve high speeds. Motor vehicle collisions often lead to:

Broken Bones

Car accident victims frequently experience bone fractures that require surgical repair. While some fractures heal on their own, others can lead to lasting medical issues requiring further management and care.

Internal Organ Damage

Crash impacts can cause internal organ injuries. Seatbelt Syndrome also poses the threat of internal organ harm when worn incorrectly on the stomach instead of the leg; tightening over the abdominal area causes internal organ injury.

Soft Tissue Injuries

Any accident can lead to severe soft tissue injuries. Whiplash is the most prevalent soft tissue injury, typically impacting the neck, shoulders, upper back, and face areas in its victims. When hit, they are violently thrust forwards by impact causing considerable neck and shoulder strain as they are propelled back and forth during collision.

Traumatic Brain Injuries

Traumatic brain injuries can also happen. It is among the most frequently sustained in auto accidents, often with long-term or even permanent consequences.

Dental and Facial Injuries

Injuries caused by airbag deployment are especially likely during head-on collisions. Airbags can help cushion you from an impact. But they also cause dental and facial trauma.

An auto accident personal injury attorney near you can be of great help if your insurance does not cover your damages and the other driver is at fault. Consult a lawyer as soon as you can.

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Auto Accident

What type of injuries occur most frequently in car accidents?

A collision can cause rapid head movements in both directions. This is one of the more common injuries from car accidents reported in California. This can cause devastating effects. Whiplash can cause many symptoms, but most of them will go away over time with the right treatment.

What should happen when an accident results in death?

California boasts the highest accident death toll each year. If someone caused their loved one’s death through negligence, an action for compensation is available through civil court litigation. Each state may provide special rules regarding who can bring suit and what damages may be available.

Florida Is Florida A No-Fault Car Accident State?

No-fault is upheld as an important legal principle, meaning all drivers are expected to use their insurance policy to cover damages caused by accidents regardless of who was at fault. You may be eligible to file a personal injury claim against the driver who caused your crash if your damages exceed what’s covered under insurance and/or injuries are severe enough – your lawyer can advise on your best options for recovery following such incidents.

What is the value of my auto accident claim?

If you can demonstrate that another driver was responsible for an accident, they may be subject to damages liability claims. If you have used all your coverage, consult a lawyer to file a lawsuit for the medical costs, lost income, and pain and discomfort. This compensation could greatly help with your expenses. 

Why Should I Hire An Auto Accident Personal Injury Attorney Near You in Florida?

After being involved in an accident, hiring an auto accident personal injury attorney near you may not be strictly necessary; however, doing so could increase your chances of receiving maximum compensation. They will assist with navigating the insurance claims process and build cases against those at fault should their insurer refuse to cover damages; having legal representation increases your odds of victory!

Hysenlika Law Firm boasts an experienced team of attorneys with experience helping car accident victims manage their claims. You can tap into this expertise today! Contact us to set up a no-commitment consultation and learn about all of the services we provide and discuss possible choices that best meet your needs.

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