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Reasons to Get a Truck Accident Lawyer in Clearwater

by | Oct 28, 2024 | Truck Accident Lawyer Clearwater

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Have you been injured in a truck crash in Clearwater or Florida? These accidents are often life-threatening and catastrophic. You may be entitled to compensation from the truck driver or the trucking company for medical expenses, lost wages, suffering, and pain, among other things. Our truck accident lawyer in Clearwater can help you get what you are owed.

Hysenlika Law Firm has experience in helping clients recover compensation that can change their lives. 

How Hysenlika Law Firm Truck Accident Lawyer in Clearwater Can Help

The trucking company, or their insurance provider, may contest your claim for personal injury after an accident involving a large truck. You may be blamed for your injuries or they might minimize your injuries. When you hire our Clearwater Personal Injury Lawyers they will know that they can’t use these old tricks.

Hysenlika has been recognized by leading rating services as “Super Lawyers”. This is something that insurance companies and defense lawyers are well aware of, so they would prefer you choose another firm.

We can help you to prove your case by:

  • We provide award-winning legal assistance at all stages of your claim
  • Gathering evidence to investigate your accident
  • Calculating damages to the last penny
  • Experts from around the world are being brought in
  • Negotiating a fair settlement with your insurance company to ensure you are fully compensated
  • If they refuse to play ball, you can take them to court.

Now is the time to concentrate on your recovery. We will handle your claim or lawsuit. Call our Clearwater personal injury attorneys for a no-cost case evaluation today.

How Common Are Truck Accidents in Clearwater FL?

Florida roads are littered with truck accidents. According to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, over 30 people died in fatal truck accidents during 2019. A further 2,207 people are facing injuries that range from minor to severe. A recent study shows that fatal accident rates are increasing in Pinellas County.

Even if there are no fatalities, truck accidents can cause serious injuries. Experts believe that the increase in accidents is due to many factors including low gas prices, a growing population, and a combination.

What Is My Truck Accident Case Worth?

Each accident involving a truck has its unique characteristics. We cannot value your case until we have investigated the facts.

Many factors influence the value of your truck accident claim. These include:

  • Your injuries are serious
  • Your medical expenses and loss of wages
  • You have a permanent disability
  • You may have contributed to an accident

Truck accident settlements are often higher than car accident settlements. Large truck accidents are often devastating and victims receive more compensation than if the accident involved a smaller vehicle.

What Kind of Damages Are Available to Accident Victims?

There are two types of damages that accident victims can claim: economic and non-economic damages.

Economic Damages are your financial losses following a truck crash.

  • Medical costs, including future medical expenses
  • Lost Wages
  • Diminished earning potential
  • Property Damage
  • Incidental Expenses

Documentation such as receipts, invoices, and pay stubs can be used to verify these damages. Future damages may require expert testimony.

Some losses after a truck crash are not monetary. Noneconomic Damages are compensation for damages that do not involve money.

  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Anxiety, depression, and PTSD
  • Scarring or disfigurement
  • Loss of enjoyment in life

A wrongful death lawsuit can be filed by the survivors of an accident victim who died.

Clearwater accident attorneys will use specialized methods to assess the damages. If necessary, we’ll bring in Tampa Bay’s best experts to assist us. We want to make sure you get every penny you are entitled to.

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truck accidents

Can I Recover Compensation if I Am Being Blamed for a Truck Accident in Florida?

To avoid paying for your claim, the insurer of the at-fault party may blame you. Florida, however, is a “modified comparative fault” state. This means that you cannot recover damages if you were up to 50% responsible for the accident.

Your damages will, however, be reduced in proportion to your level of responsibility. If you are 50 percent at fault and have $80,000 worth of damages, your recovery is only $40,000 (50%). If you are at least 51% responsible, however, you will not be able to recover any compensation.

This rule is used by trucking companies and their insurance providers to reduce the value of an injury claim. They pay less for every percentage they shift onto you. Our truck accident lawyer in Clearwater will fight this tactic to maximize your award.

We Will Fight to Recover Compensation for All Your Truck Accident Injuries

Accidents involving large trucks can cause serious injuries. The greater the size of the vehicle, the higher the risk. Some trucks can weigh as much as 80,000 lbs.

Injuries you might sustain in a Clearwater truck accident include:

  • Broken bones
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Head and neck injuries
  • Internal organ injuries
  • Whiplash
  • Wrongful death

If you are injured in a truck crash, you may suffer from several different types of injuries. When assessing the value of your claim, our Clearwater truck accident attorneys will take into account all your injuries.

What Causes Most Truck Accidents in Clearwater, Florida?

Some causes overlap with other car accidents. These include speeding and other causes of auto accidents, such as intoxicated driving or aggressive driving.

In the case of truck accidents, drowsy driving is often a major contributory factor. Although there are laws that limit the number of hours a driver can drive without resting, some truckers feel they have to sleep less to meet deadlines.

Truckers can sometimes lose control of large commercial trucks, which are much harder to drive than cars.

Truck accidents are not only the fault of truck drivers. You could be responsible as well for an accident.

  • Trucking Company
  • Manufacturer of trucks or parts
  • Maintenance services for trucks are provided by a company.
  • The company that loads the truck
  • Government entities

After a truck accident in Clearwater, it may not be obvious who was at fault or why. By conducting an in-depth investigation, we’re ready to identify those responsible for compensating your damages.

How Do I Prove Negligence After a Truck Accident in Florida?

You must prove that someone’s negligence caused your injury to be compensated.

To be legally liable, you must prove four elements of negligence.

  • Duty. The at-fault party owed you a duty of care.
  • Breach. They failed to perform their duties.
  • Cause. The party caused your injury.
  • Damages. You suffered damages

Our legal team will collect evidence that shows negligence including:

  • Traffic cam or dash cam footage
  • Reports and citations of police officers
  • Maintenance records for trucks
  • Driver logs
  • Black box data
  • The hiring practices of the trucking companies
  • Eyewitness accounts

Each case is unique. We tailor our approach to each case, using all the methods necessary to prove negligence.

How Long Do I Have to File a Lawsuit After a Truck Accident in Florida?

You have two or four-year deadlines to file a claim in Florida unless you meet one of the many exceptions. If your accident occurred on or after March 24, 2023, you have two years to file a lawsuit. You only have four years if it happened before this date. You have only two years if the accident is fatal to file a wrongful death lawsuit. These deadlines are called statutes of limitations. 

You will not be able to get the compensation that you deserve if you miss the deadline. Do not delay filing a claim for personal injury. Your attorney will need time to gather evidence and testimonies from eyewitnesses while they are still fresh. Our firm will ensure that you comply with all applicable filing deadlines. Call us to find out how we can assist you.

For a Free Consultation, Contact Our Clearwater Truck Accident Lawyers

Help is available if you are in a trucking accident. Our truck accident lawyer in Clearwater is prepared to fight for your rights. Hysenlika Law Firm can help you recover the compensation you deserve following an accident. Contact us online or call us to set up your free consultation.

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