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Hysenlika Law Firm PLLC


Car rental protection: What you need to know

by | Jun 9, 2016 | Firm News

Summer is here. That means people take road trips, and car rentals go up. Although, everyone signs a rental agreement, most people don’t know which insurance coverage applies when renting a car. Here are a few important things to know prior to driving a rented car.

First, you should know whether your own auto insurance covers you for accidents in a rental car. Most insurance companies will provide coverage if you rent a vehicle, but some do not. Do not rely on what others tell you, you should contact your agent to find out.

Second, you should know what kind and how much coverage is available to you through your own insurance.  Ask whether damage to the vehicle will be covered in the event of an accident. Also, be aware that you may be responsible to pay a deductible to repair the rental.

Third, you should know whether your own auto insurance provides you with bodily injury coverage. Remember, without bodily injury coverage, you would be personally responsible if you cause an accident and injure someone.

Third, read the rental agreement. They will make you responsible for damages not listed in your auto coverage. Inquire as to all those liabilities and make sure you understand them.

If you or a loved one have been injured while driving a rental vehicle, contact Hysenlika Law Firm PLLC at (813)803-0733 for a FREE consultation.