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Hysenlika Law Firm PLLC


Summer bike safety among children

by | Jun 1, 2016 | Firm News

Now that the end of the school year is approaching, we are likely to see more children playing outdoors or riding their bicycles. To prevent accidents, make sure you speak to your children about bike safety.

According to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), more than one-fifth of all bicyclist deaths occur among school-children ages 5 years old to 15 years old. NHTSA states that more children go to hospital emergency departments for bicycle related crashes than for any other sport. Most crashes involve motor vehicle crashes on the road; however, a crash can occur at the park and even in your neighborhood.

This summer, all parents should consider a few things to make sure that their children are safe.

Make sure your child wears a helmet when riding a bike. Florida statute 316.2065 requires that a bicycle rider or passenger who is under 16 years of age must wear a bicycle helmet that is properly fitted and is fastened securely on the passenger’s head by a strap.

Make sure you teach your children to watch out for vehicles when crossing the road by looking left-right-left.

Make sure your children are not wearing headphones while riding their bike. This can be very dangerous as they will not be able to hear vehicles approaching.

Teach them the road rules and hand signs they can use when crossing the road.

If you or a loved one has been involved in a bike accident, contact Hysenlika Law Firm PLLC at (813)803-0733.