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Hysenlika Law Firm PLLC


Clearwater Personal Injury Attorney, Klodiana Hysenlika, Esq., speaks to 5th graders at local elementary school

by | Nov 27, 2013 | Firm News

Education has always been important to me. I was raised with the idea that education gives people knowledge, power and success. A great education can open the doors to endless career opportunities.

I strongly believe it because I achieved my dream career through my education. So, as a young attorney, I go above and beyond to support our local schools, students and teachers.

As a supporter and member of the local community, I was invited to speak to fifth-grade students at Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings Elementary School on Nov. 21 in Pinellas Park. This presentation was part the 20th Annual Duke Energy Great American Teach-In, which is held to encourage local professionals and volunteers to share their lives with students and also introduce them to career options, hobbies and activities.

During this great educational event, I took the chance to speak to students about my law school journey and personal injury law. I also answered questions from students. Many were curious about auto accidents and how a personal injury attorney can help someone who has been injured in an auto accident. Since I am a personal injury attorney who practices in the Clearwater/St. Petersburg/Tampa area, I explained students how I can help those who are injured in auto accidents.  All the students asked great questions. I was very impressed.

During my visit at the school, I also engaged students in fun activities and also gifted them cool school supplies.

“We were delighted to have Klodiana Hysenlika as our guest speaker,” said Raimonda Koxha, an ESOL teacher at the Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings Elementary School. “She was very professional and super kind with the students.”

Recently, I had the honor of being featured on the Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings Elementary School’s announcement sign. I can’t thank the school enough for doing such a great gesture. I really appreciate their support.

My mission to help local schools doesn’t end here. I will continue to support Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings Elementary School as well as other schools. I will soon go back Rawlings to participate in similar events, which I will announce soon here on my blog, Facebook and Twitter.

Clearwater Injury Attorney, Klodiana Hysenlika, ESQ posing to fifth-grade students at Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings Elementary School on Nov. 21

Clearwater Injury Attorney, Klodiana Hysenlika, Esq., posing to fifth-grade students at Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings Elementary School on Nov. 21

Personal Injury Attorney, Klodianan Hysenlika, ESQ, speaking to students at local elementary school

Personal Injury Attorney, Klodianan Hysenlika, Esq., speaking to students at local elementary school

Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings Elementary School Honors Klodiana Hysenlika, ESQ, for supporting the school

Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings Elementary School Honors Klodiana Hysenlika, Esq., for supporting the school

Thank you again for reading my blog.

Yours truly,

Klodiana Hysenlika, Esq.